Exciting News for the Young Pathologists' Section: FORPATH is Back with a Bang!

Exciting News for the Young Pathologists' Section: FORPATH is Back with a Bang!

Dear YPS Members,

We’re thrilled to announce that FORPATH is making a strong comeback, and they’ve recently launched an exciting seminar schedule just for you!

FORPATH is a professional organization dedicated to advancing pathology through education, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing. It aims to be a leading platform for pathologists to enhance their skills, stay updated on the latest advancements, and connect with peers worldwide.

Whether you're looking to deepen your knowledge in pathology or expand your skills in healthcare management, our upcoming events offer something for everyone:

Accounting in Healthcare: Basic Principles for Physicians (Dutch Version)

  • Date: Tuesday, December 17, 7:00 PM
  • Description: A must-attend workshop designed for physicians to grasp the fundamental principles of accounting. Available in both French and Dutch, led by finance expert Herwig Van Dijck.
  • Reserve your spot!

Invasive Carcinoma of the Breast in the Setting of Neoadjuvant Therapy: Histopathology Reporting Guide

  • Date: Wednesday, November 6, 7:00 PM
  • Description: Dive into the complexities of histopathological reporting in the context of neoadjuvant therapy for invasive breast carcinoma. Dr. Klaas De Corte will provide essential insights and methodologies.
  • Reserve your spot!

Clinical Based Approach to Placental Pathology - Part One

  • Date: Wednesday, October 2, 7:00 PM
  • Description: Join Dr. Sasha Libbrecht as he guides you through a clinically-focused exploration of placental pathology, highlighting key diagnostic skills for understanding and interpreting placental abnormalities.
  • Reserve your spot!

Comptabilité dans le Secteur de la Santé: Principes de Base pour les Médecins (French Version)

  • Date: Tuesday, September 17, 7:00 PM
  • Description: Another opportunity for physicians to learn the basics of accounting in healthcare, offered in both French and Dutch, with expert guidance from Herwig Van Dijck.
  • Reserve your spot!

We invite you to share this schedule with your colleagues and anyone interested. By spreading the word about FORPATH, we can revitalize our community and reestablish FORPATH as the premier source for pathology knowledge and training.

Don't miss this chance to be part of FORPATH's exciting resurgence! Visit our website for more details and register today!

Best regards,

PS: If any residents are interested in presenting at future seminars, we welcome your involvement! Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. Let's make FORPATH a vibrant hub for young pathologists together!