The Young Pathologists' Section is a division of the VBS/GBS-AP, founded by and for residents in training and young pathologists. The section's goals are:

  • To establish a network of young pathologists from all seven universities and represent their interests at important meetings.
  • To address current challenges in anatomic pathology and healthcare, prepare young colleagues for future challenges, and ensure continuity at the board of the VBS/GBS-AP through renewal and input from its members.
  • To facilitate communication and dissemination of information regarding decisions made by relevant organizations.
  • To enhance the education and scientific knowledge of its members through ongoing training and professional development opportunities.
  • To promote engagement and collaboration among members through the organization of information sessions, co-organization of VBS/GBS and BSP activities, and events aimed at building relationships with young colleagues from other universities.

About the BSP

The Belgian Society of Pathology (BSP) is an organization that represents pathologists in Belgium. It facilitates communication, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among pathologists. The BSP organizes scientific meetings and conferences, promotes high standards of pathology practice, and supports pathologists in their professional development. It plays a crucial role in advancing the field of pathology in Belgium and contributing to healthcare and medical research.

About the VBS/GBS-AP

The VBS/GBS-AP (verbond der Belgische beroepsverenigingen van artsen-specialisten) aims to promote and protect the professional, scientific, and social interests of medical specialists in Belgium. It serves as a platform for communication and collaboration among different medical specialty associations. The organization engages in discussions with government bodies, healthcare institutions, and other stakeholders to address issues related to medical practice, professional development, and healthcare policy.

The VBS also provides support and guidance to its member associations and represents them in various forums. It plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights and concerns of medical specialists, facilitating dialogue between healthcare professionals, and contributing to the improvement of healthcare in Belgium.